Saturday, November 29, 2008

Reflections on Learning

The tools having the greatest immediate impact which I'm now actively organizing and exploring are the various Google tools (still more to learn here), delicious and Flickr. These tools were not entirely new to me but it will be some time before I've tapped into their full potential. After these tools I'd list all the other web2.0 tools introduced. I don't think I saw anything I don't plan to revisit and explore further .

For me this type of learning environment was ideal. I enjoyed using our Blogs as a way to interactively communicate with the other participants and the ability to keep up with everyone's learning experiences. In many ways the opportunities for interaction between participants was far superior to traditional face to face staff development classes. I would most definitely be up for round two if that became available.

Where do I go from here?
At this moment this is a really tough question for me because there are so many places I'd like to focus my attention. I need a bit more time to process and prioritize before I can answer that definitively. I do plan to maintain a blog but have not quite settled on the exact format, title of or subjects I plan to target with my blog. I am committed to it's creation but it may take me a while to get it off the ground in a format I'm happy with. Stay tuned

23Things has been a pleasure!

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